Family Advent Wreath Night

Thursday, November 24, 2016

6:30 – 8:30 pm 

St. Joseph CES Gym

Join us for an evening of fellowship and family!

Refreshments will be served.

This year, members of the Grade 8 Student Council will perform a piece exploring the significance of the wreath, the candles, and why we undertake the tradition of lighting the Advent Wreath each year!
Fr. Jim will also be in attendance, and will bless our wreaths for the coming Advent.

Candles will be supplied, as well as some greenery and decorations. You are welcome to bring your own family wreath to refresh with new items. For those that do not already have an Advent wreath, there will be wreath bases (rings) made available, with advance order by November 18th, at no cost. Please feel free to bring your own family mementos/decorations to add to your wreath.

Please RSVP via the form that went home with your child, or via email at Be sure to provide your name, the number of people attending, your child's teachers name, and whether or not you'll need a wreath base.

Hope to see you there!


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