Supporting Children with Anxiety

Supporting Children with Anxiety

Are you a parent, family member or professional supporting a child with anxiety? Are you unsure of where to start for help or how you can help? Are you feeling exhausted and frustrated?

To assist caregivers with navigating the children’s
mental health system relating to anxiety.

St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School
Thursday, January 19th, 2017

  • Provide a general overview of anxiety in children and youth
  • Review the different healthcare professionals who can help and their roles
  • Review the different types of treatment options available and how/when to access the services
  • Develop awareness of the various services and supports available in the Hamilton and School community
  • Develop awareness of the various educational and emotional supports available for caregivers of children with mental health

Carrie Bullard (RN, MN) is a psychiatric mental health nurse who works as a clinical nurse specialist with children and youth. She is currently completing a PhD in nursing exploring childhood OCD. Her research interests focus on family accommodation/burden with anxiety disorders and child and youth metal health.  

Light refreshments will be served.

Please note this is a parent-only event.

Please RSVP by Friday, January 13
with your name, and number of people attending
(via the flyer sent home, or email at


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