Coming Soon!

Last night's CSC meeting was very productive, with the adoption of a new social media policy and platforms (which you already know about, since you're already here). We also established our executive committee, some committee leads, and some upcoming events!

Although we have yet to iron out the details, we can tell you that we have the following planned for this year:

A new production will be undertaken by Mme. Lutz! Very exciting news, as last years production of the Wizard of Oz was a resounding success!
We'll be holding our 3rd annual Poinsettia Sale in early November, so keep your eyes peeled for the flyer and order forms.
Last years Spring Fling dance will be moving to earlier in the year this year, and becoming our Valentine's Dance.
A Fun Fair is scheduled to take place at the close of the school year. More details will follow, as will calls for volunteers, donations, and the like.

Keep coming back to our page, and to the Facebook page for updates and further information, as these events firm up.

Don't forget, all are welcome at the next CSC meeting, which will be taking place on November 11th, at 6:45 pm in the Staff Room!!


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